Chesnee Eagle Chase
Did you know there are eagles hidden around Chesnee? The Chesnee Eagle Chase gives you a fun experience exploring downtown Chesnee and hunting for eagles that are hidden on buildings/structures in the city.
There are currently 15 eagles throughout the downtown area of Chesnee for you to find, with more being added in the future!
We hope you enjoy this fun and interactive scavenger hunt and will share your photos with us on social media or use the hashtag #EagleChaseChesnee while you are out chasing eagles through Chesnee!
Here are the clues that will help you on your chase!
1. You will find Sarge at your “Community Helper Headquarters” of the city and helping to make Chesnee pretty!
2. Rick The Relic is hanging out where history soars and there are treasures galore.
3. Maggie is flying high where it’s pink and blue. So much cute home decor and even has a bench for you!
4. Stella has a t-shirt collection that could span for miles! She is gonna be found nesting near the black and white tiles!
5. You need to use your “eye” to find Ebony Eagle. She blends in really well with her surroundings!
6. Hunter loves the outdoors! Take a shot and look for him from the roof to the floor!
7. This eagle would rather be rafting down the ol’ Mississippi with Jim. But since he can’t, there’s fruit on the window where he sits, since he can’t be him.
8. Gabby keeps connected to her friends and family with this hometown provider. Phones, internet and cable make her days brighter!
9. Ethan loves to browse the furniture, floors and fridges for sale! There are beautiful pieces in every room, too many to tell!
10. Dottie grew up on the farm, but don’t let that fool you, ‘cause she’s one sassy chick! Shoes, Clothes and so much more from which to pick!
11. Vincent is always looking to be creative and make some art. If you can find him, I’d say you’re pretty smart!
12. Butch stays close to this place most nights, cause he likes his hair to stay high and tight.
13. If you need to find Betty, she is hanging out where the windows are always different and bright. She loves shopping for dresses in this shop at the light.
14. Barb loves to look her best and give her feathers lots of care, so she flies over here for tanning and hair.
15. Parker loves picnics and a quiet nature walk. You will find him here enjoying his time listening to other birds talk!
We are so glad you participated in the Chesnee Eagle Chase! We hope you had fun and got to explore our great city in the process!